Friday, December 10, 2010

Critic I am!

    Taxes are definitely a hot topic no one likes to talk about. In the commentary Tax Cut Extensions or not? by Anthony Esparza its exactly about that scary topic of taxes. He did a good job with explaining how taxes being raised or cut would help or hurt someone. The author definitely showed his point of view went it comes to those who make over 250,000. I would say the author's intended audience is that of the working and middle class like most college students are. I think it is great he went into great detail about how taxes effect each class of citizens with examples. Although all of this was in the commentary I didn't understand where he was getting his information from. I'm happy he stated his opinion but there was not enough fluidity throughout the piece. It was almost like a bunch of random thoughts thrown together to make a point. I also would like to know what exactly a tax cut extension is and what is the one in question? Why is a tax extension the best solution? Overall, I believe the logic is there the commentary just needs an extra push!

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