Friday, October 15, 2010

Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims???!!!!

Well, apparently Bill O’Reily sparked some big controversy on a morning talk show called The View this morning when he announced that all Muslims are terrorists. Coming to his defense Brain Kilmeade of Fox news claimed that not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims!!A blog I read in Crooks and Liars by David Neiwert(Daivd Neiwert,Brian Kileade sez:"Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims." Oh really?,Crooks and Liars, Oct. 15, 2010,11:00am) really hands it to Kilmeade in his ignorant defending of Bill O’Reily. The blog first shows a clip of Brain Kilmeade making his claims then turns to writing his statement out in text so we can better view it. The main part of this blog is to educate Mr. Kilmeade of his ill-spoken opinion. David goes on and on about all sorts of terrorists that have no ties to Muslims what so ever. For example he names The Phineas Preisthood, Timothy McVeigh, Budford Furrow, and Eric Rudolph while giving extensive background on what they did. He also proves his opponent wrong by going into a timeline of 2008-2010 terrorists’ plots in America. He proves that since President Obama has been in office that in fact white-supremacist and radical “Patriot” groups are overwhelmingly increasing instead of Muslims attacks.
                It is pretty obvious that David Neiwert knows what he is talking about his logic is right on target. He not only backs up his claims with background information but gives specific timelines and events. You can tell the author is trying to draw in a more liberalistic crowd. Liberals tend to be more empathic to claims like this whereas this article in a conservative blog would probably be ignored. He seems to also be targeting a younger audience since it is our generation that is plagued with terrorist’s attacks like 9/11.His point of view is defiantly far from his right-wing opponents like Bill O’Reily. Mr. Neiwert almost seems to despise people who claim things like this and enjoys schooling them. I mean I agree with Mr. Neiwert Muslim’s are not the main terrorists we are facing now days, not saying in a year that could change. Anyone could prove Brian Kilmeade’s claim wrong by looking it up on the internet!!I like this blog and its arguments against Bill O’Reilly and Brian Kilmeade claims that terrorists are Muslim, how crazy!   


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