Friday, November 12, 2010


    Let me have a "Happy Meal"  is a wonderful idea for a commentary. The author did a perfect job in presenting the facts about the case at hand which is a McDonald's in Canton, Ohio was trying to force people or strongly suggest into voting for Republicans. The author included the actually letter and opinions on the matter from other sources. The Ohio Revised Code was also included showing the illegal practices of the McDonald's and its owner by attempting to influence its employees. I think the writer new the material well and was cleverly sarcastic about the tittle and the free happy meals. Although instead of expressing his or her opinion and thought, the commentary was full of other people's thoughts and opinions about the matter. The target audience was spot on but there was no clear point of view except for the author using the word sad in the first paragraph. What is sad? I would of loved to hear his or her thoughts about the matter and how we can fix this, make it illegal, or even more examples of corrupt corporations also doing this. Should there be more screening in order to own a franchise or should this one be fined or shut down even. I wanted to know more and see the results of the elections in Canton, Ohio to check and see if the plots of the employer payed off? The logic is there and a great starting point for an article.